Saturday, April 30, 2011


Saturday, April 30, 2011
Too Late
by Carole King

Woke up early and Pop drove me to work at 9:30. Spent the morning talking to Victor, bonding over our respective fountain jumps. After that, I spent the afternoon working MP3 and floating, Carole King stuck in my head, and in the test iPod. I came home at 4 with John Adams, a speaker, a cable and some Smart Water.

I came home and changed, and went to David's to pick up the Sleigh Bells tickets for tonight. Saw his weapons collection and headed out to get ready. The night was basically a disaster. Apart from losing the tickets and then really embarrassedly finding them in the car, it was one of the (in terms of human interaction) coldest, most distant experiences of my young ad life (or at least of the past couple years). The entire night was plagued with some guy that was giving me more attention than my actual date, and BONUS: we were there for four hours, and after two lousy openers, we walked out as Sleigh Bells was about to sound check. She felt bad, and I took her home.

"Remember how we talked about this not being the right time?"

Wow. I guess it was too perfect.

It's fine. Go through what you need to go through, knowing who'll be here waiting for you when you're done. Y hasta entonces, que sepas que puedes contar conmigo para lo que te haga falta. Now drive home, and be safe.

I wasn't giving you the silent treatment; I was just speechless. Carole King, that's your cue.

And this is how my week ended.

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