Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Stormy Weather
by Ethel Waters

This morning I woke up early to get to Myth; my final was today. I finished my extra credit essay, emailed Angela, and went to class. As it turns out, half the test was out of the chapters I didn't read. Brilliant! Finished in a cinch. As soon as I got out, Crystal tells me she just finished hers, and she's headed to work. Since my celebratory lunch plans would have to wait, I took Jaif up on her offer to watch Due Date, which ended up being a tidbit better than I expected. Put on The Luyas and cleaned up my desk, Jaif holding the trash.
She left, and hesitated. And after walking into the middle of the road with my hands on my head as something complicated drove away in front of me. I sat on the sidewalk for about 10 minutes watching my life become more and more tangled, until I finally went inside and took to writing. In it, I made my decision. I wrote for an hour and then sought approval from the one woman that would understand these matters of the heart.
This will go down in history as the craziest day of my life.
I went to Itita's house; she wasn't there. I went to la peluquería to find her, and I told her what was happening. The ladies found out as well. After reading my letter to them and getting some feedback, I decided my heart's words were good enough and started transcribing. Itito's office. Now I'd wait. I'd wait for three hours until I asked for whereabouts. And then I'd wait some more. I gave up, and I was about to go home at around 7:45, she sent a message. I was at her house 5 minutes later, dropping off the letter. And as soon as I left, I got nervous again. I came home. I came home, I waited for the speaker until 8:45. I told my mom what had happened. I told her what I wrote. She cried. She gave me advice. She sent me on my way. At this point I was almost hyperventilating. I'd never let out that much emotion, ever. That letter is the most heartfelt thing I've ever written, and I couldn't believe I just left my heart hanging and delivered it to someone. I didn't think I was even capable of something like that. I couldn't explain it if I tried. I felt like I was gonna throw up for most of the afternoon, knowing what I was about to do, and then really heavily once it hit me what I had done. I got in the car with the speaker and 17 cords and drove to Crystal's. Despejándome Un poco, I gave her salsa lesson #2, and then we started watching Pi. I got home and before going inside, followed Jaife's instructions: "check your mailbox when you get a chance." Oh.
Oh my God.

Take a breath.

Keep reading.



How could I not--?

This isn't happening.

This cannot be happening.

Is this real?

I come inside. I get a grueling pain in parts I didn't even know one could sprain. It's half past midnight, around 40 minutes since I've been home, and I still haven't figured out if it was Crystal's couch or Jaife's words that are physically weakening me. I feel like life just kicked me in the nuts for being such a schmuck. So I took two extra-strength caplets of Western Medecine and tried sleeping for a change.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Caring is Creepy
by The Shins

Stormy Weather
by Ethel Waters

The Weakness in Me
by Joan Armatrading

This Year's Love
by David Gray

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