Thursday, April 7, 2011


Thursday, April 7th, 2011
Kickin' With You
by Jason Mraz

Woke up at 12:20. Was in class by 12:40. Reacting's last session. Weitz's office/Film library until 3:15, Mileini out of baby lab 3:20, got seats in DM 100, then stepped out to grab some food. Back for genealogy colloquium at 3:30. 4:45 colloquium lets out, walk Mileini to Blue and then bike to the car on the rocks, going out of my way to see the nature preserve. Bike through some of it, but walk through most, and come out the other end to see the swing and Lexa. "What are you doing here?!" moment, and then I got a free Earth Week t-shirt and a frisbee and biked back to the car. Went home listening to Mraz with hipster do: earth week t-shirt, pants rolled up and barefoot. Went to gas up Archie and came home. Ellen was recorded, and so was American Idol, and then I changed my shirt, put on some boat shoes after washing where they go, and headed to Best Buy to pay my bill. Came out with a speaker, a cable, and a Tron t-shirt. Paid off $50 and charged 90. De madre. Came home, talked to my grandparents and my mom for a while, about change and responsible driving, and when they left watched American Idol: the elimination. I cannot tell you how frustrated I was. Mileini can. Not since Lakisha, and that was back in '07, has this happened. But this one was worse: she was the most talented singer, she could've actually won the whole thing, and.. You know what? I'm getting angry again. Whatever.

I'll Stand By You
by The Pretenders

Installed my new speaker while talking to the leins and then reorganized all my bookcases, until 1 AM. I have nothing to say, except something's wrong with me. There's a problem somewhere deep within my psyche that thirsts for order. And re-order. And Perfect order. Usually I'm just happy with my work; this time, I was completely outside myself throughout the entire process lol. I know this is crazy, but I can't stop. I just can't stop doing this. I'm going to feel like a freak when it's perfect, but it WILL be perfect. Tidied up and then retired to the family room to watch the West Wing with a grumble. PB & Lord John Marbury, and at 1:48 I changed into sleep and wrote. 2:19. Goodnight, moon.

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