Saturday, March 26, 2011


Saturday, March 26th, 2011
Be Here Now
by Ray LaMontagne

Woke up half an hour after I was scheduled to be at Best Buy, for the first time in about a month. Got to work, got written up, talked to Capote, and got to work. Helped Victor out until around 11:30, then went over to DI to sell some wonderful cameras. Everything is new in the department. Things change too quickly in the business of retail technology. It makes me feel even more lost than being gone a month. Left work at 4:20. Got home, had some disappointing conversations, and was told, once again, that my shit habits need to change. Owning up to your character flaws takes a toll on me, and it happens every few weeks. After each time, I always switch into Iris and Jasper mode, and then do nothing about it. Maybe this time will be different. I just need to get a job I actually value again, so my planets can align and I can feel somewhat fulfilled again. Happiness is in the mind, which proves problematic for me. You see, aimless internet audience and/or future Robert, I'm out of my mind. There isn't one aspect of my life right now that's in total harmony. I can't feel enthusiasm. I'm turning completely numb, and if Tony Bennett doesn't stop playing in my head soon, I'm afraid it'll progressively get worse. Robert needs a break from Music of the Mellow Genre, and needs to feel Matt and Kim again. What's today's song? I don't give a fuh..

Rill Rill
by Sleigh Bells

...And then I went to the Fair with my family, slightly bitter but riding everything with my little cuz Stephanie. Being 11 is awesome. I rode today everything I didn't get to ride yesterday. Namely el teleférico, las cillas voladoras, the big blue roller coaster, and the carousel, along with some other stuff, too. Rill Rill could've been the song of the night; it makes me think of what you see there: thousands of lights and tons of people walking around. It's a great carousel song, for use only when the world thrusts you about in wonder.

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