Sunday, March 6, 2011


Saturday, March 5th, 2011
Secondhand News
by Fleetwood Mac


Map of the World
by Gonzales


Today was crazy. So crazy, in fact, that I'm writing this on my down time at RPH the next morning. Woke up early and got to RPH at 9. At around 10, Danette calls me to pick up the Producers and Cast of 50 Cent's film Things Fall Apart. WHAT?! Jesus, ok. Went over there and while waiting with them to go to the Betsey, experienced my first Hollywood Douchebags moment (standoffish executive producers who belittle interns and think they own the city, producers who are habitually late to their own press conferences, producer's wife, who is only in the film because she's the producer's wife, and producer's mother, who is so incredibly over-indulgent that you can tell she's become accustomed to the luxuries of the biz). Got to te press conference with the crew, and it was a success. 50 got there, too, albeit raspando con tiempo. The thing went off without a hitch. Took the car back to the Royal Palm at around 12:30, and I was scheduled to leave at 1. Basically my shift was done. I can't remember what I did after that, but at 4:30 I got on my bike and went to see You Are Here at the Regal, liaised by Diliana and introduced by Andres. The Premiere of Things Fall Apart was later at night at the Gusman. It was the night of the first emergency. Danette asked me to head over there just in case it rained, to be ready with a back-up planand to help with reserved seating. I did both of these and stayed to watch the film up in the balcony with Lani. After the screening, hell broke loose. After the Q&A, Tim the assistant and I had to find Danette and ask her what the hell was going on with Transportation, seeing as our cars were missing and no one answers their phone. Met everyone backstage only to discover that the cars were still not in place. When they finally got there, the festival team got in one of the SUVs with Randall and the rest of the behind the scenes gang, and Mario and his SO got inside the next one. Little did the second driver know, the director wasn't the only one scheduled to ride in that car. He left me qith half the cast on the sidewalk, waiting for a car that would come almost ten minutes later-- it was the same car that decided to double back. The rest of the cast got in and on their way, and Rachel, who also went to grab her car, took the rest of the entourage back to the beach. I was supposed to go see The Last Circus with Andres and Jaife at midnight, but no. Things Fell Apart instead. At 12:30 I met Jaife by MDC, who had been waiting since before midnight. We missed the film, and pulled a hangout instead. Talked about jumping in pools, the moon, and other things I can't remember. Just being in a car with Jaife at that point, and my festival phone being off, was all I needed. Got home pretty late, and hit the sheets right away. It was the second day, and it was ridiculous.

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