Thursday, May 12, 2011


Thursday, May 12, 2011
Move Along
by The All-American Rejects

It was a morning song-- no more, no less. And since I think Blindsided by Bon Iver is too meaningful for a day like today (and is taken, possibly), it fits. I woke up at around 12:30 and did few things I was supposed to. Let me present a list of ways I failed this morning:
1. I woke up late.
2. I didn't finish the video.
3. I didn't finish weed-eating.
4. I didn't bathe the dog.
Now, slightly meaningful redemptive events:
1. I withdrew a payment from the bank, went to Navarro to make it into a money order, and
2. Paid it to the OEA.
3. I went to my Doctor's office to pick up test results, and
4. Showed them to my FIU Doctor, at an *appointment* (what up) which I showed up to *on time* (what up).
5. I ate lunch.

After this string of events I went in to Weitz's and hung out for a little while, before heading to the Study Abroad meeting at 5. Helped carry over some materials and stayed until around 8, at which point I gtfo Paris and came home. Watched American Idol and wrote the Sound's entry. Sup.

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