Monday, May 9, 2011


Monday, May 9, 2011
Dreaming With a Broken Heart
by John Mayer

Woke up as my Dad was leaving the house; he was supposed to wake me up *before* leaving. At this he failed. Drove to Itito's, and when Marcelo got there, we loaded some materials and left a little after. Helped Itito take some materials up to a second floor at a site in Doral, and then got dropped off in Hialeah about an hour later. The rest of the afternoon I helped out Pops, Titico and Luis with an acoustical ceiling. Went to Itito's house, ate dessert, and came home. Napped for about an hour and then ate dinner and lounged for the rest of the evening. Watched The American President as my final act of the day, and at 10:40, with a full day ahead of me tomorrow, I hit the sheets.

This entire day the thought of her has disgruntled me on some fucked-up level. I've been taking Mayer's words like they were God's, only because they strangely speak to me. If there are any universal feelings, it's these. If that's true, though, why do I feel so alone? It's because love has a strange way of mixing the universality of human emotion with the privacy of someone's deepest thoughts. And I have the unfortunate privilege of being in it.

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