Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
The Christmas Song
by Nat King Cole

This song is good for today... A few things happened before I got to the office, but once I got there the mood was like this. It was incredible. Being there is pretty calming, actually. This morning I started off at camp, where we packaged up our soaps and pillows, wrapped our frames in homemade wrapping paper, and made mints. Said Kira "You're going tape crazy. Look. One piece. That just looks ghetto." LMAO. This morning before class, we acted out the Angel's coming to Mary. Hilarious performance on our part. Said Ayo "--AND THEN THE ANGEL MENTIONED ELIZABETH (cough cough)," after which I popped back up and replied "AH, YES! Elizabeth!" Lol. It was a fun morning; Ayo's hilarious.
The afternoon brought the office holiday lunch at Piola on Brickell, where I met Jay and the rest of the staff I hadn't yet. I sat with who happened to be my co-intern and learned about her filmmaking experiences, after which I drove back to the office. The rest of the gang had taken the metro mover! That's an exclamation mark... because I said so.I mentioned it to Danette and I got a parking pass! I trained my co-pilot in the database, learned some more about the way things work at MIFF, and laughed with Vivian several times, lol. Toward he end, I tore down the personalized remnants of the last Programming people, and tomorrow starts the personalization of the 2011 staff-- yeah, that's me. Did I mention I have a company email? I have a company email! It ends in @miamifilmfestival.com--- OH, YES! It's so exciting!!! Parking pass, email, own computer, own desk, own phone number.... It's all happening so fast! And I'm milking every second of it. With regard to song choice, Vivian was playing this on Pandora today and it stuck. It's just the mood. Everybody knows a turkey and some mistletoe help to make the season bright. I don't have either of those, but I can still wish you a Merry christmas, readers. Merry Christmas to you all. Enjoy this little Nat King Cole as I have, and always will.

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