Thursday, February 3, 2011


Thursday, February 3rd, 2011
Little Faith
by The National

This morning, before going to sleep at around 3 I stayed up getting tons of new music and sorting out some papers for reacting. Got up at around 8:30 and get to 9:30 class right on time, with the dreams book I needed to take the quiz. Booya! Afterwards, I picked up the VGA from UTS and checked Metropolis out of the Film Library. Went to reacting, which was pretty great! It was the most calm and rational assembly meeting we've ever had. And I'm still alive, which is good. Went back to UTS to return the cable, and back to DM to see Weitz. Took Everything Is Illuminated from the Film Library, and spent almost an hour talking to Weitz and students about films, then about Czech and Festivals. Sundance cap! Came home, ate breakfast on the way, and didn't really know what to do with myself at that point. I ended up sleeping on the couch for like 3 hours, waking up and eating dinner. Exercise win!

It's the 3rd of February and I just realized I've watched a film with Philip Seymour Hoffman in it every day this month (so far)... The first was Charlie Wilson's War, the next Pirate Radio, and now Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, which is a seriously fucked-up movie experience. I wonder how long I can keep this up-- maybe I'll watch the Savages tomorrow, or something of the sort. And at the end of the month I'll get myself Almost Famous, which just came out on bd.

Today was kind of like that scene in the Holiday when she wakes up to Jet, and then Jasper calls to send her the pages. A combination of the not eating, the sleeping, and the movie made my mood all The National-y. Until 3 it was really more like Strings by Young the Giant, but it's too much of a summer song for February

P.S. There are still holiday cookies in my freezer. How, God, is this supposed to help? haha ah, holiday cookies... How I love thee.

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